
Showing posts from October, 2015


Halloween ghost stories and scary tales for frightening fun! Ghost Stories 2  :  Ghost Stories 3  :  Ghost Stories 4  :  Ghost Stories 5 Ghost Gallery      My great-grandmother lived alone  up in the mountains at her cabin. Her husband had died, so she was there all alone. She only had one companion, and that was her loving dog. T hey both loved each other very much and the dog loved her and comforted her. Every night when she went to bed, the dog would lick her hand to let her know that he was there to protect her. One night, she had gone to bed and the dog had licked her hand like he had done routinely every night since her husband died. But this night was different. She had woken up in the middle of the night because she heard her dog whimpering. She wanted to comfort him and let her know she was there for him, so she stuck her hand out by the bed and she felt the dog gently lick her hand like always. She figured he was just co...